Shower loop

From OHO - search engine for sustainable open hardware projects

Shower loop

Basic Data

Category: Waste water

URL (first publication):

Keywords: Sewer pipe

License: CERN OHL v1.2

Project status: Active

Technical documentation

Maturity of the project: prototype

CAD files are editable: Yes

Assembly instructions are published: Yes

Bill of materials is published: Yes


no no

Project management

Open-o-meter: 5

Product category: Hardware



Showers are great, but pouring hot and almost drinkable water down the drain is not. Besides the obvious costs to the environment and your bills, there is also a conscious on unconscious psychological cost any time you create waste. To solve this problem we created Showerloop. It's a shower that collects, cleans and reuses the water in real time while you are showering. So now you can shower for as long as you like but with a reduced ecological impact.

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