Request certification for your project

From OHO - search engine for sustainable open hardware projects

OHO Certification Application Form =

The certification of a Project must be requested by the applicant of the Project, through the following steps:

Certification request

After uploading the Technical documentation, as explained in Instructions for certification, go to the "Certificate" tab of the current Project and follow the indications shown:

  • The following information must be present in the user profile:
    • Name
    • e-mail address
    • City
    • Country
    • About (the user)
    • Occupation
    • Telephone
    • Company or organization.
  • You must have the basic data of the Project:
    • Name of the project
    • Description
    • Open Hardware License
  • You must also have entered the information corresponding to the Parts list.

Finally, the applicant must activate the Request Certification checkbox, starting the Certification processes, so you will be contacted promptly.

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