Bloombot 2
From OHO - search engine for sustainable open hardware projects
Bloombot 2 Basic Data Category: Irrigation equipment URL (first publication): Keywords: Irrigation equipment, Irrigation system License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Project status: Inactive
Technical documentation Maturity of the project: prototype
Assembly instructions are published: No Bill of materials is published: No
yes yes
Project management
Open-o-meter: 3 Product category: Hardware
Bloombot is an open-source automated hydroponics system. Through socially responsible design and the integration of communication facilitated by Web 2.0, the Bloombot aims to build community and increase the engagement of people with their food. Bloombot, sold as a kit, is easily assembled with nuts and bolts and is capable of growing plants like lettuces and herbs throughout the year. Useful as a household accessory, teaching aid, or hobbyists' toy, Bloombot operates well in any typical indoor environment. This project builds off the work of other products and attempts to integrate some of their functionality to produce a machine that is greater than the sum of its parts. These products include Botanicalls, a twittering alert system for potted plants, and AeroGrow, an autonomous hydroponic gardening system designed for use in the kitchen.
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