Opentrons 2
From OHO - search engine for sustainable open hardware projects
Opentrons 2 Basic Data Category: Robotics URL (first publication): Keywords: robot License: Apache License Project status: Active
Technical documentation Maturity of the project: production / kit
CAD files are editable: Yes Assembly instructions are published: Yes Bill of materials is published: Yes
yes yes
Project management
Open-o-meter: 7 Product category: Business & Industrial
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Today, biologists spend too much time pipetting by hand. We think biologists should have robots to do pipetting for them. People doing science should be free of tedious benchwork and repetitive stress injuries. They should be able to spend their time designing experiments and analyzing data.That's why we started Opentrons. We make robots for biologists. Our mission is to provide the scientific community with a common platform to easily share protocols and reproduce each other's results. Our robots automate experiments that would otherwise be done by hand, allowing our community to spend more time pursuing answers to some of the 21st century's most important questions.
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