About the OHO Community

From OHO - search engine for sustainable open hardware projects

OHO does not develop its own projects, but OHO would like to support hardware developers

Is an important concern for us to network developers with each other, as well as to enable mutual exchange and mutual support in their work
Students: Internships, Bachelor's and Master's theses are easily possible, by the way
  • to undertake better projects,
  • to document these projects better,
  • and to make these projects better known.

That's why it's important to us to network developers with each other, as well as to enable mutual exchange and mutual support in their work.

OHO is networked with various organizations from the following areas:

  • Open Source Hardware (OSH) or Open Hardware (OH)
  • Open Knowledge
  • Do it Yourself (DIY)
  • FabLabs or Maker Spaces
  • Sustainability
  • Development Cooperation (DC)
  • so on

Jeder Interessierte ist herzlich eingeladen, bei OHO mitzumachen, zum Beispiel:

  • durch das Hochladen von interessanten Projekten
  • durch die Realisierung von Reviews bei der Zertifizierung von Projekten
  • durch Feedback, Anregungen, Ideen zu OHO allgemein oder zu bestimmten Bereichen auf OHO

Studierende: Praktika, Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten sind übrigens problemlos möglich. Durch die Kooperation mit Universitäten und Forschungsinstituten lässt sich in dem Bereich sogar promovieren.

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