Conveyor belt for hemp processing - model1

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Revision as of 13:32, 28 June 2024 by Hanffaser (talk | contribs)

Conveyor belt for hemp processing - model1

Basic Data

Category: Conveyor belts

Keywords: open source, hanfasser, conveyor, belt, hemp, processing, industrial, fibers, durability, cleated, rollers, band, motor, transmision, reducer

License: CC BY-SA 4.0

Organization: Hanfasser

Project status: Active

Technical documentation

Maturity of the project: prototype

Contains PDF-drawings: Yes

CAD files are editable: No

Bill of materials is published: Yes


yes yes

Alberto7425 A belt conveyor for processing hemp oblique view sh c8007b1a-fbf1-47e5-987e-5fc3c59ab02a.jpeg


Für die Hanffaser Uckermark werden für zukünftige Produktionsanlagen Förderbänder benötigt. Wir haben zwei alte Förderbänder, die außer Betrieb sind demontiert und wollen die angefertigten CAD Zeichnungen dafür nutzen unsere eigenen Förderbänder einheitlich herzustellen.

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Parts list

Pos. Qty. Part Name Part code Part Type Specifications Review Status Show All Comments
1.0.0 1 Assembly1

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1.1.0 1 Subsystem1

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1.1.1 1 Part1 Production

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Item Reviews
2.0.0 Deflection rollers

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3.0.0 Motor mounting plate

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4.0.0 Clamping unit

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