Difference between revisions of "Technical background"

From OHO - search engine for sustainable open hardware projects
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Latest revision as of 06:16, 26 August 2019

Search technology

The search engine is based on an automatic crawler and indexing software, which searches the Internet for specific search terms, filters the links found, categorizes them and creates thumbs and short descriptions. In the beta version, the search engine will be available in three languages: English, German and Spanish. More languages will be added later.

Platform technology

This platform is based on the software MediaWiki, which is also used for all Wikipedia versions worldwide and for many other Wiki projects. The use of MediaWiki for Wikipedia offers the following advantages:

  • Automatic versioning of all uploaded files
  • Automatic documentation and versioning of all changes
  • Facilitation of collaborative work in smaller or larger teams
  • Discussion pages to clarify questions and problems
  • Uncomplicated setup of new language versions
  • Runs fast and stable even with large data volumes and user numbers
  • Various extensions for important functions available
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