Ng.uavp 2
From OHO - search engine for sustainable open hardware projects
ng.uavp 2 Basic Data Category: Quadrocopter, Quadcopter URL (first publication): Keywords: Quadrocopter, Quadcopter License: CC BY-NC-SA 2.5 CH Project status: Active
Technical documentation Maturity of the project: production / DIY
CAD files are editable: Yes Assembly instructions are published: Yes Bill of materials is published: Yes
no no
Project management
Open-o-meter: 4 Product category: Toys & Games
This is a community-driven open source project to build a modern autonomously flying Multicopter. The abbreviation UAVP stands for "Universal Aerial Video Platform". It is a flying object, ideally suited for making aerial videos and photos (aerial photography), but is also a lot of fun to fly whether indoors or outdoors.
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