Difference between revisions of "The OHO Project Directory"

From OHO - search engine for sustainable open hardware projects
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* Legend Maturity: CON - concept; PTT - prototype; PDIY - production DIY; PRD - production kit; PFP - production full product
<div align="right">* Legend Maturity: CON - concept; PTT - prototype; PDIY - production DIY; PRD - production kit; PFP - production full product</div>

Revision as of 15:43, 21 January 2020

The OHO Product Directory is our extensive collection of mecha(tro)nical open source hardware projects.
The rating shown below with the help of the Open-o-Meter reveals their openness according to commonly shared values and
standards of the open source hardware community.

Call for action: Please go ahead and create new projects (choose advanced option) or improve existing project pages. You just have to register to have the needed access.

* Legend Maturity: CON - concept; PTT - prototype; PDIY - production DIY; PRD - production kit; PFP - production full product

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