Certification platform

From OHO - search engine for sustainable open hardware projects


OHO has a certification process, through which it is possible to formalize the documentation of each project, this provides technical and administrative support to the quality of the work done, through the application of internationally recognized standards, such as DIN Spec 3105.

When a project is certified, it undergoes a review process and, after a positive examination, a document is issued that certifies or validates the information contained in it.


For the certification process to be carried out, the action of the following entities, all active users of the OHO platform, is necessary:


This is the person or organization interested in certifying their project.


It is a group of people, accredited by OHO, who are in charge of examining in detail the Project documentation, especially the Technical drawings, in order to indicate to the Applicant, which aspects must be corrected in the project.

  • They must have a certification_reviewer role on the OHO platform.
  • They must have general or specific knowledge about the project to be reviewed.
  • The number of reviewers depends on the length and complexity of the project, a minimum of three (03) is established.


Is the person or authority in OHO, in charge of activating, monitoring and controlling the certification process.

  • Must have an administrator role in the OHO platform.

Conformity assessment team (CAB)

It is a group of people, accredited by OHO, who are in charge of validating the information of the Applicant and the Reviewers, as well as issuing the certification document.

  • They must have a certification_body role on the OHO platform.
  • They must have general knowledge about the project to be reviewed.
  • The number of conformity assessors depends on the extension and complexity of the project, a minimum of one (01) is established.

Start of the process

The certification process starts with:


Muchos proyectos de gran potencial, carecen de una buena documentación técnica y más aún de un documento que le otorgue validéz a nivel internacional.

Es este sentido, la plataforma OHO ofrece a cualquier desarrollador, la posibilidad de certificar o validar su Proyecto bajo la norma DIN Spec 3105, trayendo consigo los siguientes beneficios:

  • Un proyecto Open Hardware, certificado, se puede diferenciar claramente de otras iniciativas que no conducen a soluciones reales, esto incrementa las oportunidades de ser ubicado por el público internet.
  • La certificación según DIN Spec 3105 permite conocer los requisitos necesarios para denominar un Proyecto como Open Hardware y así poner su documentación al día.
  • La certificación de cada vez más proyectos, define y aclara un marco de referencia para la comunidad Open Hardware, acerca del concepto y las tendencias en este tipo de proyectos, marco de referencia respaldado por una autoridad de prestigio global.
  • Tanto el proceso de certificación como el servicio de diseño CAD y la documentación técnica, brindados por OHO, son totalmente gratis.
  • Un Proyecto certificado tiene mayores posibilidades de relacionarse en distintos grupos de la comunidad Open Hardware, lo cual genera oportunidades de escalar el Proyecto y acceder a posibles fuentes de financiamento.
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