Edit Project: Bicitractor 2

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Project data[edit]


Project name(*):

Project name Spanish(*):

Project name German(*):


URL (first publication):

Translation status:


Additional Fields[edit]




Project status:

Maturity of the project:

Contains original mechanical hardware:

License for mechanical hardware:

 License Name:

License URL:

Free redistribution is allowed:

Contains original electronic hardware:

Contains original software:

Assembly instructions are published:

 Assembly instructions:

Assembly instructions are editable:

Bill of materials is published:

 Bill of materials:

Bill of materials is editable:

Contrubuting Guide is published:

 Contrubuting Guide:

Issue Management System:

Versioning System:

Contains PDF-drawings:

Technology Readyness Level TRL

Technical data:

Technical documentation[edit]

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Parts list[edit]

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Certificate Request[edit]

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Certification Manager[edit]

Certification Status:

Reviewer 1:

Reviewer 2:

Reviewer 3:


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